The Film Loading Class will enable the participant to logically work, plan & strategize the mechanics on a television or feature production.
The Film Loading Class will enable the participant to logically work, plan and strategize the mechanics on a television or feature production using motion picture film stock. Planning the start of a production or coming into a show halfway the information will calm the nerves with the knowledge taken away.
Reading the label of the film can, taking inventory of factory-sealed cans of motion picture film stocks from re-cans, short ends and waste ends. Looking at a call sheet and figure the game plan for the day and how to react and plan for tomorrow’s work.
Working with an “old school” Daily Film Inventory worksheet paperwork for each stock and then the use of a laptop using an automated Excel spreadsheet program that will be handed out on a USB for each participant to work within class and guided through the mechanics. Filling out a P.O. (Purchase Order) from accounting and sending the film to the lab.
Sending motion picture stock to a “2nd Unit” or “Aerial Unit” from your truck’s inventory and then receiving the un-used film stock back into your main inventory is where problems occur. We will go over the number of problems I have encountered over 20 years and the sequences to prevent any paperwork mishap and the inventory not balancing.
If possible, we will do a walk and talk of a camera truck with a darkroom to give the class an idea of the proper layout of a film camera truck. How to make a darkroom “light-tight” and how to build an “On Set Kit” for use when the truck is a mile away. Working with a film changing bag and a film changing tent.
We will load the most popular film magazines in class. Panavision, Arriflex 35mm possibly 16mm stock magazines. How to do a correct scratch test and the mechanics of how to do registration and steady test at a camera prep floor or wherever you are prepping. Talk about the Seven Layers of the film emulsion and about the lab “Pushing or Pulling” the film stocks and how that affects you as the film loader….
Biography / Rudy Pahoyo / Local 600 Camera Assistant – Film Loader
The eight years in the US Navy was a great place to learn, see the world and during that time frame 1981 through 1989, the Navy productions I worked on the ratio were 90% film to 10% video. During that eight-year time frame we went to 10% film and 90% video at the end.
I was lucky enough to end up on the Paramount Pictures lot after the Navy and transitioned to the Camera Department as a film loader on the sit-coms “Cheers, “Frasier” and “Wings”. The average sitcom would shoot 4 cameras, 8 rolls per camera 32,000’ in three hours. In the Camera Dept. We would also train new union members in the hopes we would use them as loaders in the future and it created a large network base of people. After 16 years there, the merge with the corporation Viacom made the job not fun at all anymore.
Freelancing from 2007 to now has passed like a blink of an eye. The network base of people I’ve helped from Paramount Pictures has helped me tremendously after my time there.
1981-1989 US Navy Photographers Mate / Combat Camera Unit Awarded Combat Action Ribbon-Persian Gulf
1985-1986 USC Film School / Los Angeles,CA / US Navy Scholarship
1990-2006 Paramount Pictures Camera Dept. / 16 years / Film Loader on “Cheers”, “Wings”, “Frasier”, “Bob”, “Star Trek Enterprise”,
2007-Present 2nd Asst. “The Affair” Showtime / Seasons 3, 4 & 5
2nd Asst. “Game of Thrones” HBO / Dragon Flight Re-Shoot
2nd Asst. “Young Sheldon” Warner Bros.
2nd Asst. “Powerless” Warner Bros.
2nd Asst. “Ray Donovan” Showtime / Seasons 2, 3, 4 & 5
2nd Asst. “House of Lies” Showtime / Seasons 3,4, 5
2nd Asst. “Training Day” / Warner Bros. / Season 1
2nd Asst. “Criminal Minds” / Warner Bros. / Season 2
2nd Asst. “12 Deadly Days” (of Christmas) / Mini Series
Digital Loader / “Hart of Dixie” / The CW / Seasons 2, 3, 4 & 5
2nd Asst. “Oka” / Indie / Africa Jungle Location in tents C.A.R.
Film Loader / “Lie to Me” / Fox Television
Film Loader / “Shark” / Fox Television
2nd Asst. / “Barbie Commercial” / Mattel
1st Asst. / NBC Promos / "The More You Know"
1st Asst. / “From Dusk to Dawn” VFX Unit